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DURATOP Wall Paneling


The DURATOP Wall Paneling System is easy to install and cost efficient. All extrusions are made from heavy duty aluminum and when combined with our high quality panels, you have a very durable interior solution.

The DURATOP Wall Paneling System is a remarkable advanced system that surpasses the conventional wood based slat wall. It is great way to make your walls look more attractive and appealing.

Offering a high-class and elegant display system that gives unlimited flexibility in the panel’s usage, the DURATOP Wall Paneling System can fit into any standard system and even easily applicable for further customization.

The time-consuming feature allows you to conveniently change the whole display at anytime. It is merely lighter, stronger, less expensive and easier to install than the ordinary wood paneling. The panels come in many styles, finishes and colors to fit your desired look and budget.

Application Sample
